Greenhouse gas Gross emissions

+6.13 %

u usporedbi s projekcijama za 2021.


bruto GHG emisije u 2021. 24.75

NECP projekcije za 2021. 23.32

Source / Reference:

Realised emission – For GHG emissions for the period 1990-2018: European Environment Agency

Target emission –  For the period 2018-2040: Croatian NECP (Annex 4 – MMR Table)

Revised target emission – For years 2030, 2040 and 2050: Low Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia until 2030 with a Look at 2050 (proposal)

Remarks/ Comments:
NU2 Scenario from the Low Carbon Development Strategy was considered, as the Strategy states that Croatia should aim for the NU2 (more ambitious) scenario. The Strategy also includes information on the Climate Neutral Scenario.
Scenarios contain information on the foreseen GHG emission reductions (percent). These reductions were deducted from gross GHG emissions for 1990 to obtain emission targets for 2030, 2040 and 2050.

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