Share of energy from renewables
povećanje udjela obnovljivih izvora energije u energetskom miksu u odnosu na projekcije
Ostvareno u 2021 31,3% obnovljivih izvora energije u energetskom miksu
NECP projekcija za 2021 30,2% obnovljivih izvora energije u energetskom miksu
Source / Reference:
Realised emission – For the period 2004- 2019: EUROSTAT
Target emission – For the period 2020-2030: Croatian NECP; for years 2030, 2040 and 2050 Low Carbon Development Strategy of RoC (proposal),%20planovi%20i%20programi/hr%20necp/Integrated%20Nacional%20Energy%20and%20Climate%20Plan%20for%20the%20Republic%20of_Croatia.pdf ;
Remarks/ Comments:
NU2 Scenario from the Low Carbon Development Strategy was considered, as the Strategy states that Croatia should aim for the NU2 (more ambitious) scenario.